- A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf
Currently on my third book for the 100 Books To Read List. I was supposed to have finished this little book over the weekend. Alas, I was caught up with the drama of Veronica Mars on DVD.
The link between Jeanette Winterson and Virginia Woolf? I went back to Winterson's collection of essays in Art Objects. There are two rapturous essays on Woolf as poet.
Confession: I have never read a Virginia Woolf. This is somewhat shameful, considering I am an English Literature major. But the truth? Her prose is heavy and overwhelms me. It makes me reach out for something lighter.
My copy of Orlando has Tilda Swinton (looking rather dashing) on the cover. It sits on the top shelf, unread for years. I shall attempt to ratify this little oversight.
Titles completed on my reading:
- Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
[23/11/2005-25/11/2005] - The Claudine Novels by Colette
Yes, I cheated. But I figured since The Claudine Novels was technically read and finished middle of 2005, it counts. Anyway, I have Proust's In Search of Lost Time - that counts as six novels by itself.
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