Wednesday, December 12, 2007

World Yoga Practice Month 2008

Does this sound great or what?

Yogamum will be hosting WoYoPracMo -- where participants make the commitment to practice yoga every day for the month of January, 2008. This is open to yoga practitioners of all levels, so you don't have to be Yes, I've cast aside my usual shyness and signed up.

I had been thinking about setting my intentions for the coming year, and one of them is the renewal of my commitment to a regular yoga practice. This challenge is just the way I want to kick off 2008.

If you're interested in knowing more about it, you can also visit last year's site. Or, just hop over, sign up. See where it takes you!


Yogamum said...

Thank you so much for signing up and spreading the word! I hope it is going to be a lot of fun for everyone, as well as a great way to recommit to a yoga practice!

Carl V. Anderson said...

Kudos to you! You certainly have my support as you work on that goal. This will be the first New Year in a long time that I can actually commit to a fitness goal and have some confidence that I will achieve it.

purplefugue said...

Great pix of miss my X-files!