Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Dark Orpheus Goes to London

I rushed the paperwork on my application for my leave this morning. But on hindsight I think I may have made some mistakes with the paperwork - I might have included my weekends as Annual Leave. This means I submitted an application for 8 days of Annual Leave, instead of 6 days of Annual Leave + 2 weekends off. What's the difference? Two days of Annual Leave. Remember: we had to fight for the right to utilize our leave. It's hard-earned and not to be squandered.

I have little faith in my HR, so I better verify things with Mr Y tomorrow.

That said and done - I have just bought the ticket to London. My departing flight will be on the 26th of February, which will allow me to reach London in the afternoon. A good friend of mine is staying in London, and I should be staying with her - if nothing goes wrong.

I haven't planned anything yet. I have about 24 days to research and come up with something. I've been asking friends for recommendations - and please, if you have any suggestions on fun stuff to do in London, please do drop me a message.

Will plan a few days to hunt down the second-hand bookstores. I also want to sit at a nice cafe nursing that one cup of coffee for 5 hours, book in hand. I have to visit the museums, or catch a show somewhere (no sure where, but I'm sure I can find something.)

I so need a break.


Doc Martian said...


seen that yet?

Doc Martian said...



purplefugue said...

You must visit Foyles (http://www.foyles.co.uk/) - the best bookstore in the world. Plan to spend at least 3 hours there - it's absolutely amazing. Oh, visit the Tate museum.

You'll have a lovely holiday, even if you don't plan anything. Be safe!

Doc Martian said...


LOL! If you end up there. Be sure to post the experience on YouTube. :)

Anonymous said...

hooray!!! i think you're going to love it!

there's so much history to explore. and by then the weather will hopefully be turning towards something more bearable.

Anonymous said...

what fun! I am so jealous. We found lots of yummy vegan friendly places when my husband and I went about 8 years ago. And we had the best hummus ever at a little hole in the wall place hardly bigger than my kitchen in an alley somewhere near Covent Garden.

Anonymous said...

Hi,have a great holiday! second-hand bookstores, soak in a nice cafe with coffee and book for hours sounds fantastic. enjoy whatever you plan to do (or not doing anything). quietletters : )

Anonymous said...

If you need any suggestions let me know as I live in London and met up with Nymeth a couple of times when she visited. For second hand book shops you need Charring Cross Road which you can get to from Leicester (pronounced Lester) Square tube stn. The British Museum is a must and is near Holborn and Russel Square tube stns. The Natural History and Science Museum (and the Victoria and Albert Museum) are all next to each other at South Kensington tube stn. All the museums are free except for the special exhibitions. Oh and Soho is a great place to people watch in the middle of the cosmopolatain and gay area. The same is true of Camden for all the alternative and goth culture. It has a great market too.

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip!

I'm planning for September.