Monday, October 15, 2007

Footloose To Anywhere But Here

Earlier this year, my dad and I made plans for a Laos trip together. We were supposed to go in November, but the trip had to be cancelled.

With every trip there is the build up of anticipation, and the yearning of the Laos trip unsatisfied, I'm itching for a short trip anyway. I now find myself surfing the internet for budget airfares and accomodations.

I think I shall go to Hanoi again.

Updated 15 October 2007 10:09 pm: Okay, booked my flight for 1 week in Hanoi. I hope I remember to show up at the airport. Now, where did I put that copy of Lonely Planet Vietnam...


Anonymous said...

Cool. I hope you have a fun trip! Take some pictures :)

Anonymous said...

You'll have so much fun in Hanoi. I love the food! :)

I'm leaving for Hong Kong to visit my family on Nov 29, then off to Malaysia for a week.

I'm gathering the books I should bring with me on the trip. I have learned to never count on or take for granted what the bookstores might have to offer.

Melwyk said...

Have a great time in Vietnam! So jealous. Tell us about it when you get back!

Heather said...

LOL You have a fear you won't remember to show up at the airport?!? hehe Crazy!

darkorpheus said...

Stefanie I'll try to take pictures - but I'm a terrible photographer. Really.

Matt I love the lay-back feel of Hanoi. I expect lots of leisurely walks - just for the fun of it. No where to go, nothing to do. Lots of sitting around with a good book, watching people walking by.

Have fun in Hong Kong. But which part of Malaysia are you visiting? Kuala Lumpur?

I'm doing up my books to bring to Hanoi too.

Melanie Will share. Definitely. But it'll probably be a lot of rambling about my aimless walks. Hee.

Heather Did I ever tell you about the time I was so psyched up to watch Ian McKellen in the RSC production of The Seagulls -- I bought top-price ticket -- and completely forgot about it?

So, oh yes! It's a possibility I might forget to show up at the airport! ;p

Anonymous said...

When are you leaving for Hanoi, by the way?

I'm flying direct from San Francisco to Kuala Lumpur, via Hong Kong. Then I'll be off to Meleka (Malacca) for a few days, then work my way up to Penang. From there I'll hop on the plane back to HK.

I'll maintain the blogging while I'm there since it's gonna be a long trip.

Anonymous said...

Oh I remember when you mentioned the Laos trip. Such a bummer that you can't go with your dad but so cool that you'll still be able to go somewhere. I cannot imagine how exciting a trip to Vietnam must be. You'll have to take lots of pics :)

Anonymous said...

For those going to Melaka, i recommend staying at Hotel Puri, right in the heart of the old world charm.

The hotel is a restored mansion and really quite inexpensive.

darkorpheus said...

Matt Will be flying into Hanoi 18th November. So I have about 3 weeks to prepare.

Your round Asia trip sounds like a long haul - all that flying. I think I'll eventually murder someone if I have to fly around so much. :)

darkorpheus said...

Iliana Hee - we must be online around the same time. :)

You know what they say about best-laid plans? For a while I was considering Ho Chi Minh, but changed my mind. I've always said I would go back to Hanoi.

Ah Leng I remember a long time ago when some friends drove us down from KL to Malacca just for chendol. *sigh*

I'm suddenly yearning for great chendol.

Matt Please have some chendol on my behalf. :)

Anonymous said...

When i go to Melaka, my KL friends will drive down to meet me. It's sort of a central meeting point.

There's a damn good chendol along Jonker Street and i love nosing around the dusty antique shops.

I miss the place!

Carl V. Anderson said...

Good for you! Can't wait to hear the details on your return and I hope you have a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

Ah Leng:
Thanks for the headsup. Your recommendation is timely since I have yet to find a place to stay Malacca. I was prepared to go door-knocking! I also have to figure out the bus situation from Kuala Lumpur.

Dark Orpheus:
Oh'll be leaving on my birthday 11/18! Have a great trip...and actually I won't be too far from you when I get to Asia.

All the years of flying long haul makes me numb, which is not a bad thing. Hongkong flight (Cathay Pacific) is always red-eye so I'm knocked out as soon as the plane takes off. I usually wake up half way through the flight (14 hours) and start reading.

darkorpheus said...

Ah Leng Malacca is okay for a short visit, but I realise I can never stay there for long. Will be bored.

Carl Thanks. I hope to still be visiting everyone's blog on the trip - but I'm not so sure about the internet access there.

Matt Matt, meet my friend Ah Leng - travel-nut and all-around-good-person. :)

Yeah, I was thinking you would be (sort of) in my part of the woods when you fly over. Remember - go get the chendol.

Anonymous said...

I've got chendol down in my little pocket notebook.

I went to check out Ah Len's travel blogs--Japan, Hong Kong, Hanoi...great pictures and writing.

I read about Jonkor Street in Malacca...plan to follow the walking tour of the town suggested in Lonely Planet.