The New York Times has an article on how the Olympics has managed to draw a huge number of viewers who are not from the usual pool of sports fans - the women. The number is significant enough for advertisers to take note, and they have been pumping money into advertising space on the Olympics
I am one of those non-traditional sports viewer. In fact, I don't usually watch TV - but I find myself oddly drawn to the Olympics.
I find myself trying to catch the Women's Handball semi-finals on livestream today. Norway is playing South Korea (I am following the Norwegian team) The key word here is "trying" - it's been hell trying to log on. (I was unsuccessful) Right after the first half, a fan who had been watching posted that South Korea has the lead - and I was suddenly concerned. This is when it hit me: I am a fan of a sport I know nothing about until recently. D'uh.
Here's a screencap of the match. Look at the expressions.
Yep, we are. I'm the same, not a big TV watcher and not usually a sports fan, but the Olympics got my attention.
Nymeth - the same article has somebody saying the Olympics is not a sport event - it's a cultural event. That may be true - but I also like the human stories behind the athletes, their trial and tribulations. They don't have to win the gold, but I would like the athletes to show some spirit.
That really doesn't surprise me at all, it actually make sense. First off the Olympics coverage is geared to engage the viewer on a more emotional level which appeals to both women and men and the Olympics is one of those times where, in many ways, the women's events outshine the men's. Women's gymnastics, beach volleyball, diving, etc. seem to be more of a draw then the same events for the men. In the past I think swimming has even been that way but Michael Phelps really reversed that this year. I'm glad the coverage brings people together even if it is for a brief time and for something that isn't wildly important in the grand scheme of things. It is fun to know that people all over the world are sharing those moments.
Carl - I agree with you on the Olympics engaging on a more emotional level. Maybe it's also how other sports right now are being sold right now - it has become business of sports rather than the sport itself. (Yes, Olympists are also earning a lot, but it's not as obvious on TV.)
All that training and hard work - all for that one chance for a gold which happens only once every 4 years.
I always love it when the teams start hugging each other, or when somebody cries when their national anthem is being played. The emotions there are so honest.
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