Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Training for Dubai

Miss Laxative tells me I need to blog more. So.

This past week has been so overwhelming that I haven't had much time for yoga class, to read or to write. The training for my stint in Dubai has been a crash-course, trying to pack months of training into 16 hours. It is unrealistic and I barely have time to absorb a lot of what was taught. And along the way my trainers and I would often look at each other, and ask: "Is this even irrelevant for Dubai?" "No?" "Then why do they want you to learn this?"

Thankfully I had good trainers who are patient and who don't try to insult my intelligence.

Well, not too much. When I make mistakes they do laugh. A lot of the humour this week was at my expense. My ego has been reduced to the size of a tomato after this week. (Why a tomato? Because they are small and red and edible.)

I learned the lesson a long time ago: that when you're learning something new, it's easier to be able to set aside your ego, and be willing to laugh at yourself screwing up. Besides, it was funny watching me fumble like a child. :)

That, and the fact my trainer had to scold me for my itchy fingers - when my trainer's back was turned, I happily started to click on unknown functions on the computer system. Isn't that how you learn? By trial and error and trying new things? Well, if clicking on the wrong function can erase all sales history and potentially freeze the entire system - NO.

You know that joke about famous last words? "I wonder what will happen if I pull this lever...?"

Training me is an uphill task. I'm so glad I don't have to train myself. :)


Yogamum said...

I love the image of the ego as a red, ripe, juicy, tasty opposed to, say, a shriveled, dried, wrinkly hard raisin. A tomato-sized ego sounds like a healthy thing to have.

Doc Martian said...

speaking of shriveled things... that there should give you a good primer of dates and what they're worth. medjools and dark deglet noors are my favorites. :)


Doc Martian said...

p.s. you might also send some of those to folks you feel a bond to. also note the date sugar and date crystals. the latter would be a delicacy.

Ana S. said...

"I learned the lesson a long time ago: that when you're learning something new, it's easier to be able to set aside your ego, and be willing to laugh at yourself screwing up"

A very good lesson to learn. I like the image of the tomato ego too.