Thursday, August 28, 2008

Can I Swim in Dubai?

Random thought while packing: If I pack my swimming gear along with me to Dubai, will I ever get to use it? Do they have public swimming readily available over there like we have back home? Or do I have to join some over-priced, exclusive gym membership to get some exercise in the pool?


Everything these days is pretty random. Or maybe it's just the recent Dara Torres admiration.


Doc Martian said...

i see stuff about dodo 'european' tourists going topless on the beaches there. so, it'd be a safe bet there's an ocean to swim in.


darkorpheus said...

Doc - No way I'm risking a topless beach encounter in Dubai though. No way. :)

Fall In Line.... said...

Of course you can swim on the beaches in Dubai!

There are two main beaches here in Dubai, the Jumeira beach and the Al Mumzar.

Personally, I prefer the Al Mumzar beach park as its got 3 sections the beach & an indoor pool.

Do keep in mind it is summer here in Dubai now, so it can get a bit unpleasant at times!

Fall In Line.... said...

Didn't realize you are from Singapore! I am flying there tmrw for my holidays..hahah..!!!

darkorpheus said...

Gautam - Thanks. But there's no public pool? Curious.

Now I just need to find a yoga school near my apartment and I am set for Dubai! :)

Hope you enjoy your holidays in Singapore!

Fall In Line.... said...

Well the one at Al Mamzar has a pool that's for public, but not exactly the kind of public pool you would imagine.

Where about's in Dubai are you staying? As most of the apartments do have their own pool.

darkorpheus said...

Gautam - Well, the accomodation is not confirmed yet. It's arranged by my company - they are paying, so I'm not going to be picky.


Carl V. Anderson said...

At first I thought your post title was 'can I swim TO Dubai'! I was going to suggest that, though cheap, this probably wasn't the best mode of travel. If you are wanting to swim, in Dubai that is, I certainly hope it all works out!

By the way, have you ever checked out this site:

They moved over to Dubai from America a few years ago. Just curious!

darkorpheus said...

Carl - I really hope the swimming works out too, because I can't bear heat. (Yes, and somehow I ended up looking for work in the Middle East!)

I so hope there's a pool in the apartment. Being able to just walk out to a pool - and not have to drive out to a beach, that's divine. *fingers crossed*

Thanks for Ella's link. I've been visiting her blog for a while now actually. Just don't comment much. :)

Anonymous said...

I was told that many expats / foreigners live in condos that are catered for them so it does come with pool. Either that or there are women only gyms that have a pool (or so i was told). In fact some companies, as part of the package, throw in such memberships for free.

Assuming you need to join one out of your own pocket, no harm checking if they can extend a corporate rate to you, could be cheaper that way.

Anonymous said...

I've used my swimsuit quite a bit since moving here - Al Mamzar and Jumeirah are both gorgeous.

Most hotels have pools, but there aren't really any public/ community pools like they have in other countries. You'll see why when you get here.