Friday, November 04, 2005

Back After a Break

Back at work after a one week break, out of which three days were spent at Phuket with ladies with aspirations to tai-tai-hood. At least, they are more tai-tais than I'll ever be.

I usually lull myself into a state of mental withdrawal on my holidays. I like my holidays to be low activity affairs, some kind of mental/spiritual escape. Ms F remarked on the absurdity of spending money on airfare to "do nothing" - her assertion being you can "do nothing" for free right at home.

Right, but that's the point - I don't get to "do nothing" at home. Everyday work-life wears me down with the petty politics. Family life drains me with the usual emotional blackmail and other melodrama. So, on trips overseas, I want to just do nothing. Leave me alone, give me the psychic space tantamount to breathing space that I desperately need. I don't want to think. At. All. No shopping, no TV. Preferably surrounded by nature, beach or greenery.


Now back at work after the one week break, all I want is to take another break. Something very attractive right now about just quitting my job and taking a very long break. But alas, the girl has to eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know, i feel the same way post-holidays. As if i need another holiday to recover.

And damn if i also need to eat. And for that, i need to hold a job.