Thursday, September 28, 2006

Penguin Classics Reading Group Reads

I'm not getting paid for this, but from Penguin Books with
Penguin proudly announces the launch of the Penguin Classics Reading Group @, a hosted forum to promote lively conversation about selected classics throughout the year. Our discussion of each title will continue for about six weeks, and selections will run the gamut from well-known favorites to cult classics representing writers from across the centuries and all regions of the globe. Please join us as we read great books together!

The Penguin Classics Reading Group will kick off with Robertson Davies' The Fifth Business.

Discussion will be faciliated by Kathryn Gursky, a librarian who had her 3 minutes of fame when her husband bought her the Penguin Classics Complete Collection to replace her personal library of some 2,300 books lost in a fire (Good husband!).

Go to Penguin Classics Reading Group

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