I have spoken to some of my friends, and one thing we tend to agree about 2010 is that it has been a rough year for a lot of us. They say fortune runs in cycles, so maybe it is time for better luck in 2011.
I know I need my luck to improve this year.
In the spirit of new beginnings, I have drafted some aspirations for 2011. (nope. they are not "resolutions" :P)
Some of the things I hope to do for 2011 are:
1) Write every day
In any form. Either in my journal, on this blog or working on a story. I haven't been working the creative side of my brain very much the past 2 years. It is time to get the brain muscles working again.
2) Study the Bhagavad Gita
I had always wanted to sit down one day and really meditate on the Gita - as part of my own spiritual inquiry.
3) Finish writing the story I started when I was in the university
That story is called, "Orpheus Sings the Guitar Electric". It's a love story, a sad one, with vampyres, rock music and reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
4) Meditate everyday
I'm looking at twice a day (morning and night) for at least 15 minutes each time
5) Resume a regular yoga practice
Two years ago I had a really good regular practice - 5 to 6 times a week. On top of that, I was a vegetarian, cooked lunch for myself almost everyday. I felt really healthy, almost never fell sick. Then it all went to pieces. But as they say, when you stumble, just get back up again.
6) Quit Mafia Wars
Okay, this is easier said than done. Mafia Wars on Facebook was like an emotional crutch for me the last 2 years. But recently I quit playing for a short while - and it was a good break: I had more time to do other things, I met up with my real life friends, and most importantly, I started sleeping early. Then I resumed playing Mafia Wars again, and my sleep schedule went to hell again. This is an unhealthy addiction. I want my life back.
What is preventing me from quitting Mafia Wars? I made a lot of friends playing this stupid game, and walking away from the game probably means walking away from my friends.
7) Travel at least once this year
I'm hoping ... Chicago in September? ;)
8) Save money
This gap year has drained my savings significantly. I am at that age where I need to start saving more for the future.
9) Read more than last year
One indication of how well I am doing mentally is how much I read. I can read more than 50 books in a year in spite of a busy work schedule and a 5~6 times a week yoga practice, yet only managed 3 books in 2009, and 13 books in 2010 -- this says a lot. It's not about the lack of time. Something was very wrong in 2009 and 2010.
2011, please be better.
10) Take full responsibility for maintaining the positive friendship in my life
It is too easy to always blame the other party when things don't go well in your relationships. I have decided this doesn't work, and I have decided to take full responsibility for the relationships in my life. I don't mean a self-imposed martyrdom that takes all the blame by the way. What this means is, I choose to actively work towards improving and mending my relationship with the people I care about. To make the fullest effort at the things I can change, and for that which I cannot change, to surrender.
11) Resume reading Proust
When I first started blogging, I didn't start with any direction. Then the blog found itself when I saw a group of book bloggers that decided to read Proust together. This blog was supposed to be a book blog, then it became something more for me.
Let's devote some time in 2011 to Marcel, shall we?
12) To let go of the things that no longer work for me
Some people I know spent their New Year pursuing old grudges that started in 2009. I decided this is a good lesson on the need to let go of grudges and toxicity. Life is simply too short to be spent on things and people that don't serve our happiness or emotional maturity.
Let go, let go, let go.
Namaste, my friends.
Those are wonderful resolutions and I wish you luck! I have let my yoga practice slide as well. WoYoPracMo is on (over on Facebook) if you're interested!
aka yogamum
Will be there. Damn. I'm already spending too much time on Facebook as it is. :D
I wish you well and may 2011 be a good year for you and a start of many good years to come. All will be well. Take care. Quietletters
Cool aspirations, DO.
I just took my first yoga class EVER a couple weeks ago. It's awesome!
and if you can become a vegetarian again, it does indeed improve your health. Anecdotally, anyway: my body / immune system does lots better without meat and dairy, and when I do catch a cold or whatever, I get better a lot faster than back in my bacon-eating days.
Good luck with 2011!
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