Thursday, February 14, 2008

I Want To Watch American Idol!

I'm not an American Idol fan. Really. I have NEVER watched a single full episode of that show and I'm actually proud of that. But I just watched the performance of one of the final 24 on this new season, and I think I want to watch American Idol just for Amanda Overmyer.

Her singing Joplin's "Mean Woman" for the audition was good, but I was blown by her rendition of "Light My Fire":

I know she will probably be ousted a few episodes down -- because the show is not about how well you can sing. I also believe the public that vote for this kind of show isn't always appreciative of that gravelly, brassy vocals of hers.

But for as long as it lasts, I really want to watch this girl perform.


Chris said...

Girls got pipes ... made me think of Janis of course, but also a little of Ann Wilson. Thanks for sharing! I absolutely abhor that simon guy, so I probably wouldn't have seen this ...

LK said...

I worked with the mom of a past AI contestant who got very very far in the competition, and knowing what I know, I think they tend not to show clips in the early episodes of ones they think will really win so they don't "wear out" their welcome. Maybe they're shooting for very mainstream singers? But, this candidate will keep me hoping!

darkorpheus said...

Chris Oh yeah - Ann Wilson too! I see the it. I love Heart too -- this so explains why I adore the girl's voice.

I'm not so sure about Simon Cowell. I think he's just playing up a role for the audience.

LK AI has always been upfront about what they want -- the mainstream crowd-pleaser. the falvour of the month/season. So the winner will probably be someone whose music is a little bland and easy on the eyes.

Still, I liked seeing Jennifer Hudson having a career inspite of not winning. And I really hope someone will make something out of Amanda Overmyer.

purplefugue said...

I liked her - awesome voice!! I missed Thursday night's final 24 cut - did she make it??

I'm not a die-hard AI fan but I enjoy the auditions and initial selection. Once they start whittling down from 24 to 12, I watch something else. But I'll watch again once it gets to the top 6 or 7... Last year, I almost boycotted AI (as if that matters to them! haha!) cause of Sanjaya. :P

darkorpheus said...

Indigo I think she did make it into final 24. Along with the tattooed girl - Carly?

Anonymous said...

Yes, she is good. I just wish she can do something about the blonde streaks, reminds me of feelers.