Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Moving to Dubai the Sequel

Dear Friends,

Thank you everyone for the very kind and very good advice.

Something happened at work today. Maybe it was the thought of Dubai that released something dormant and suppressed within me. I think I woke up, at least for a few minutes. I stopped letting someone at work relegate me to the sideline on what should be my job. I pushed back instead. And things got done surprisingly fast.

It was the Idea of Dubai. PW calls it "a clean slate". Perhaps what it represents is the possibility of moving out of a place that has become comfortable but stagnant.

The idea of a possibility: that I do not have to stay here; that it is my choice. I just need to find the energy for the first step - which began with writing the resume.

The glimmer of an idea, of a possibility.

All this is just a preamble to say I formally accepted the Dubai position today. Why not mull over it further? Because my mind is made up and I have things to do.

I spent the next hour informing people at work. First, my department manager - to tell her I will be leaving for desert lands. Then the colleagues that I have come to love as my friends.

Some of my friends have received messages about my pending departure. Lots of farewell meet-ups to do.

Packing our bags means sorting out what is important and necessary - and what are not. In a way, this is what I am doing right now: sorting out the people who are important to me, and therefore needs to know - and everyone else.

As for all of you, my blogfriends, no worries. I am bringing you with me to Dubai. :)


Yogamum said...

How exciting! I wish you all the best in this wonderful new adventure.

darkorpheus said...

Yogamum Thank you!

Iliana said...

Wow - congratulations to you! I can't wait to hear stories about your new life in Dubai.

theduckthief said...

Yay! Congratulations. I know you're going to have an amazing time there.

chrisa511 said...

I'm so happy for you D-O! Congrats! What a great opportunity. I really feel that you made the right decision and that you'll enjoy it. Awesome...

Ana S. said...

I'm glad to hear you'll be taking us with you :D

Good luck with everything! I can't wait to hear all about it.

Melwyk said...

Wow, congratulations on making that decision so quickly.Here's to an exciting new adventure in Dubai! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Rebecca H. said...

Congratulations on the job offer and the decision! That's wonderful -- it'll be great to see what changes this all brings. The future seems so exciting for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It will be great. I look forward to hearing all about it!

wil said...

Wow, Dubai! Cool! What an adventure!

Anonymous said...

Cool, it will b e a great experience, i'm sure.

Got time for kopi before you leave for the desert?

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! I can't wait to hear how it is there for you. Once again, congrats on the job and the move. :)

dizzy_leaf said...

Dubai dubai dubai. hahaha. good luck. :)

Anonymous said...

I wish you all the very best and enjoy your adventure and experience in Dubai. get ready for a 'mini farewell' and 'roller coaster ride' of feelings when you are packing and saying goodbye to your stuff. choosing what's stay and go is not easy. any special book or stuff which you will be bring along for your adventure?

you will be greatly missed. in the faraway land.

i am really happy for you for this great opportunity. we do have a choice. things happened for a reason = ) quietletters

Jill said...

Excellent! Sounds like a good move. I look forward to hearing about your further adventures. :-)

Anonymous said...

good for you!

& wheeeee! we're all getting a direct blog link to Dubai!!!

Bybee said...

Wow...actually, I've got Dubai on my mind as well...I think I could teach English there.

darkorpheus said...

EVERYBODY Woah! I checked the comments this morning and I was astonished to find all the well-wishes. Thank you everybody.

I'm shopping for a good camera right now that I can carry around to do a visual chronicle of "Dark Orpheus in Dubai"

Or I might name it something else.

May Lame! :p

quietletters I'll still be in the blogsphere - so don't miss me yet. Just maybe wish me luck that I can get home internet access ASAP in Dubai. ;p