1. The Color Purple by Alice Walker
2. Confessions of a Failed Southern Lady by Florence King
3. Fried Green Tomatoes [Film]
4. Black Snake Moan [Film]
According to the rules of the Southern Reading Challenge, two films can replace one book, so technically I've finished the challenge. So, I'm officially done with the Southern Reading Challenge, which has led me to two GREAT books/authors - Alice Walker and Florence King.
Congrats on finishing the challenge! Ok, I really need to give Alice Walker another try and read The Color Purple. I've recently come across a couple of other bloggers mentioning it as one of their favorite books! :)
I've got Black Snake Moan here from Netflix right now! I love Christina Ricci! How did you like it?
Congratulations on finishing the challenge!
Iliana Thanks - but I sort of "cheated" - but yeah, do give Alice Walker another chance.
Stephanie Oh, "Black Snake Moan" has my man, Samuel L. Jackson singing the blues! He's good as the weathered bluesman that's been kicked around by life. So he sings. And it's really Samuel L. Jackson's voice too - not dubbing.
Christina Ricci was a little too convincing as the overtly sexual character she's playing. It's kind of scary. And Justin Timberlake did an okay job acting. I was surprised.
Kim Hey, thanks!
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